Exposition Sarah Maldoror tricontinental (Lisbonne)

Exposition Sarah Maldoror tricontinental (Lisbonne)

Galerias Municipais – Torreão Nascente da Cordoaria Nacional exposição / exhibition

Lisbonne, Portugal / 8 sept – 5 nov 2022


Filmmaker Sarah Maldoror’s work is acknowledged as tightly linked to the fight for independence in multiple African nations in the 1960s and 1970s, the topic and background of several of her films.

Born in Gers, France, in 1929, she first emerged on the Parisian scene in the mid-1950s, already bearing her chosen name: Maldoror, the evil protagonist of the Chants (1868) of Comte de Lautréamont, reassessed and glorified by the surrealist poets. In his Discours sur le colonialisme (1950), Aimé Césaire qualified Maldoror as “the iron man forged by capitalist society”.


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