Die Gesänge der Sarah Maldoror – Ein Kino der Nähe, der kollektiven Verantwortung und des Teilens

Die Gesänge der Sarah Maldoror – Ein Kino der Nähe, der kollektiven Verantwortung und des Teilens

Tribute to Sarah Maldoror in the cinematographic collectif of Frankfurt.

12 films from June 10 to 12. in presence of Annouchka de Andrade

Sarah Maldoror (1929-2020) is one of the most important pioneers of African and Afro-diasporic cinema, yet she has remained relatively unknown to audiences in Germany. Born in the south of France to a father from Guadeloupe and a French mother, the director’s cinematic oeuvre is militant, thematically and formally diverse, and at the same time highly coherent. African liberation movements, the role of women, the history of slavery and colonialism, artists especially of surrealism and négritude are central topoi of Maldoror’s film practice

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